Nadar con Delfines
Dolphin Quest es un destino turístico muy popular para los turistas en Bermudas, ofreciendo a adultos y niños la oportunidad de conocer de cerca a los delfines…
Observing animals and plants
Canada has an impressive variety of wildlife that includes polar bears, wolves, buffalo, bald eagles, puffins, caribou, whales and narwhals. Fans of large mammals are well…
Animals on the menu – shark fins
Despite increasing criticism, shark fin dishes can still be found in several areas of the US, and tourists should avoid eating at restaurants…
Animales en el menú - carne de ballena
La organización WDCS (Sociedad de Conservación de Ballenas y Delfines) reveló recientemente que la venta comercial de carne de ballena de Groenlandia…
Flora y fauna endémica
Debido a que las islas están tan lejos de otros hábitats de la tierra, Este aislamiento y su gran variedad de ambientes producen una gran variedad de…
Stray animals
Mexico has a large number of stray animals, which often live in very poor conditions. The population of stray cats and dogs is usually controlled through cruel and…
About this section
In this section of our webpage we analyze the main problems related to tourism and animal welfare in different countries of North America, also indicating recommended rescue centers, volunteer projects and main organizations working with animal protection in each country.
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