Finnish cuisine is well known for using reindeer meat, most of all in Lapland. However, most Finns consider this meat exotic food and it is mostly found in restaurants for tourists. In fact, in one of such restaurants in Helsinki, around 80% of customers are foreigners.
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Finland is home to one of the oldest protected areas in the world, a beautiful site between two large lakes in the southeast of the country. The Punkaharju Esker Nature Reserve was given the status of a Crown Reserve Park in 1843 and it has remained so to this day. In the early 1800s, the area became one of the most popular and most recommended tourist destinations in Finland. Soon, more protection for local fauna began to be demanded and several natural reserves were established. The area is home to a wide variety of birds such as the spotted flycatcher, the common redstart, the woodpecker and the grebe. You can even see beavers on calmer nights. As in all other protected areas, it is always important to follow certain guidelines to minimize your impact on nature.
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Animal protection entities in Finland