German National Parks attract tourists from all over the world. Some of the benefits generated by the entrance to the parks are destined to the protection of rare and threatened species of plants and animals. Tourists visiting Jasmund National Park may be lucky to see the extraordinary sea eagle.
Hunting is still very popular in Germany, and the number of tourists traveling to this country to hunt is increasing. The roe deer and wild boar are the most hunted animals and these hunts usually take place at night or first thing in the morning. Although it is a regulated activity and hunting with dogs is prohibited, there is a lot of concern about possible danger to the conservation of local fauna.
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Romantic and nostalgic horse carriage rides are not so enjoyable for the animals, which are forced to work long hours, dragging heavy loads and often enduring extreme weather conditions.
Numerous animals spend all day exploited beyond their limits, while taking tourists through complicated terrain at bargain prices, often in the sun, with little shade, water and rest. These animals suffer from sunstrokes, wounds, beatings and injuries as a result of these "tourist experiences" and the economic benefit that their owners can gain from these activities is always above their animals´ welfare.
Horse carriages can have accidents with other vehicles, especially in cities with heavy traffic. The animals are usually trotting, which is too high a speed, as if it stops suddenly the carriage could crash into the animal. Moreover, the little rest that the animals get is usually in blocks located in the center of the city and, often, in inappropriate conditions.
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In this country you can also find centers which keep cetaceans (dolphins, killer whales or beluga whales) in captivity. Science has shown that these intelligent animals suffer greatly in the limiting conditions of dolphinariums and their stress levels and mortality rates are very high.
The training of these animals for circus shows where they perform totally unnatural behaviors, and which can harm them physically, is achieved through keeping the animals in a permanent state of hunger so that they act in exchange for a piece of dead fish.
Condemned by their facial structure, which resembles a human smile, these highly social animals, which would swim long distances and dive into great depths in the wild, are used to perform stunts in small concrete tanks. Many of the animals are taken from the wild.
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Recommended projects and rescue centers:
Wildtier-und Artenschutzstation in Sachsenhagen
Animal protection entities in Germany