Croatia has a wide variety of wildlife, and it seems that the concern for the welfare and conservation of wildlife is growing throughout the country. However, the number of wild animal rescue centers is still very limited and those that do exist receive little government assistance. Most of these centers aim to help animals recover before returning them to the wild. Normally these centers do not admit or admit only a small number of visitors and therefore their income is limited to the minimum aid provided by the government and donations.
More information about sanctuaries and rescue centers:
Croatia is becoming a popular destination for birdwatchers around the world. A key species is the griffon vulture on the island of Cres, which has a long-standing colony, the only one located by the sea. However, the chicks face a series of dangers when making their first flight due to an increasing number of tourist boats that get too close to the colonies in hopes of taking a photo of the nesting birds. Fortunately for some, an eco-center of the island also works as a rescue center for these animals. The center also carries out campaigns to increase the protection of the colonies and informs the public of the threats that exist for birds.
More information:
Animal protection entities in Croatia